THE HOWER HOUR is dedicated to discuss those issues that are deemed too controversial, too confusing, and too contentious for most Christian leaders to discuss. Stephen believes there are no issues off limits when it comes to the truth of God‘s Word. Jesus declared He was the WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. To many Christian leaders today only teach Jesus only as the WAY, ignoring the truth and the life God intends for HIs children to know and experience in this life and the life to come.
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Parental Legacy
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
What do you wish you knew about your dad's or your mom's past but never asked? What would you want your family and friends to know about your own life-history? This edition of THE HOWER HOUR will encourage you to give consideration to leaving intentional legacy of your life, your faith and the life-lessons you learned along the way. Each episode of THE HOWER HOUR is first broadcast as a radio program every Sunday at 9am with a repeat broadcast at 6pm CST, on Real Talk 93.3fm, The Voice of Freedom and our affiliate stations throughout the St. Louis, Southern Illinois and Missouri regions. You can find past programs with a summary explanation on podbean.com, youtube.com or our archive on realtalk933.com under the show title, THE HOWER HOUR.
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Money For Nothing
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
"Money For Nothing" (and your chicks for free), is more than the lyric of a famous song by Dire Straits, it's become the hope and expectation of a generation. The so-called, "Information Age," has ushered in the idea of remote work and minimum-effort Mondays. After the Pandemic companies are having difficulties getting workers to reenter the office for collaboration and team meetings. I can attest that the golf courses, usually empty during the work-week, are being overrun with people who normally would be at the office. This edition of THE HOWER HOUR addresses this cultural shift in light of God's Word. Is work a "necessary evil" or an intentional plan of God's to promote self-worth and personal value? THE HOWER HOUR is broadcast every Sunday at 9am and 6pm CST, from Real Talk 93.3 FM, The Voice of Freedom and our affiliate stations thoughout So. Illinois and most of Missouri.
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Minority Status
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Christians must learn to manage our expectations. We are no longer (and have never been) the majority in America or anywhere else in the world. How best can we live in the world without becoming aligned with the values of our culture? Jesus called it, "The art of living in the world without become part of the world." We can't expect non-Christians to understand and accept our beliefs, but at the same time we are called to live uncompromised lives of faithfulness. THE HOWER HOUR is heard every Sunday at 9am with a repeat broadcast at 6pm CST, on Real Talk 93.3fm and our affiliate stations throughout Southern Illinois and most of Missouri. Past programs can be found on our website at realtalk933.com, podbean.com and Youtube under the show title.
Monday May 29, 2023
Pro-life In A Pro-Choice World
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
When the majority rules, minorities must accept their place as the voice of opposition. As Christians, we would resist forced-compliance to laws opposing our beliefs. We cannot therefore force those who are not Christians, and those who do not accept the Bible as God's objective truth to accept our civil and moral beliefs. So how do we advocate for what we know to be true in a godless world? THE HOWER HOUR tackles that conundrum is this episode of the broadcast. Each episode is first broadcast on Real Talk 93.3fm, The Voice of Freedom radio in the greater St. Louis area every Sunday at 9am with a repeat broadcast at 6pm CST. Past episodes are released as podcast on podbean.com, youtube, and realtalk933.com under the show's title.
Wednesday May 24, 2023
The Changing Face of Marriage
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
"It is not good for a person to be alone." Those are God's Words. That's how He made us. It may be true that not everyone is made for marriage, but everyone needs needs love and unconditional acceptance from those important to us. This episode of THE HOWER HOUR will discuss what is going on statistically in the culture when it come to marriage and commitment. THE HOWER HOUR is heard every Sunday at 9am with a repeat broadcast at 6pm on Real Talk Radio 93.3fm, The Voice of Freedom in the greater St. Louis region. It can be livestreamed at the same time from realtalk933.com, or listen to it on Podcast from podbean.com, Youtube.com, or our station's archive. Search under THE HOWER HOWER.
Monday May 08, 2023
Civil Disobedience
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
When is it not only permitted, but actually an obligation for faithful Christians to stand in opposition of those in authority? This episode of THE HOWER HOUR was first broadcast on Real Talk 93.3fm, The Voice of Freedom in the greater St. Louis, So. Illinois and Missouri region. THE HOWER HOUR is heard every Sunday at 9am with a repeat broadcast at 6pm., CST. It can be livestreamed from any where though the website at realtalk933.com, or through our app. Podcast of past shows can be found on the station website and also (with a summary description) at podbean.com or youtube.com. The show is a commentary of the issues of our day in the light of God's Word.
Monday May 01, 2023
The Big Lie
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Tune in to THE HOWER HOUR every Sunday at 9am, with a repeat broadcast at 6pm CST, on Real Talk 93.3fm, The Voice of Freedom radio in St Louis, Southern Illinois, and most of Missouri through our affiliate stations. Today’s program calls out THE BIG LIE, that accuses conservative Christians who maintain biblical convictions, they are intolerant & hateful. Catch past programs on podbean.com, Youtube, or realtalk933.com under, THE HOWER HOUR. We must speak the truth in love & concern for those caught up in the deception of the evil one. The Bible says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.”
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Evil Among Us
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world? If God is almighty, why does He allow evil to flourish? These and other questions about evil Among Us are the subject of this episode of THE HOWER HOUR, heard every Sunday at 9am with a repeat broadcast at 6pm CST, on Real Talk 93.3fm, The Voice of Freedom in the greater St. Louis market. Archives of past programs can be found on our website at realtalk933.com or on podbean.com or Youtube.com, under the program's title THE HOWER HOUR. Be sure to share a link with your family and friends.
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Annual Easter Quiz
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
The Annual Easter Quiz is a good way to review the events of Holy Week and gain a better understanding of the implications of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection in our life. What can be learned from the Biblical accounts about life, death and eternal life in heaven or hell? THE HOWER HOUR is broadcast every Sunday at 9am and 6pm from the airwaves of Real Talk 93.3fm, The Voice of Freedom. Archived episodes can be accessed from our website, realtalk933.com, podbean.com, or Youtube.com under the show title. God bless !
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Course Correction
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Michael Jackson tried "talking to the man in the mirror," to achieve course correction. Who doesn't need to "make that change," from time to time. But how? This episode of THE HOWER HOUR investigates God's advice on making important change in life. Knowing what we can do, and what only God can do is crucial to achieving success. THE HOWER HOUR is broadcast every Sunday at 9am with a repeat broadcast at 6pm CST from the airwaves of Real Talk 93.3fm, The Voice of Freedom. Past programs can be accessed at realtalk933.com, podbean.com, or Youtube.com under the show title.